Law 1 You control your life by controlling your time
Monday, March 7, 2011
Grab a pencil or pen and a blank piece of paper. We're going to do a little activity together. By the time we are done you will know what your governing values are, what some of your long-range goals are, and help you to balance your time so you can manage all the daily tasks you have to do each day/week.
First - Draw a Pyramid
Draw lines within the pyramid so you have 4 sections
The Bottom section is for Governing Values
The next one up is for your Long-Range Goals
The second from the highest is for Intermediate Goals
Finally, the top section is for your Daily Tasks
In a couple of weeks we will be discussing Governing Values and how they can affect your inner peace and productivity.
Next - ask yourself these 2 questions:
1. What are my highest priorities in life?
2. Of these priorities, what do I value the most?
If you are spending time on Daily Tasks which have nothing, or very little, to do with your Goals and/or Values then you are not achieving balance or success in your life or career. The key is to make sure you are spending time, managing your time to make sure you have time, to do the things that matter the most to YOU - your Governing Values.
So - for example. If you are trying to lose weight that would be considered a Governing Value. In order to lose weight you have to eat healthy food, cut down on fat and exercise more. If your Daily Tasks are sitting on the couch and eating take-out, then obviously your Daily Tasks are not in line with your Governing Values. This will make you feel bad about yourself, you won't accomplish anything, which will then give you bad self image and productivity is 0.
On the other hand - if your Daily Tasks were eating lots of fruits and veggies, cutting down on take-out and exercising everyday, then your Daily Tasks will be in balance with your Governing Values - you will feel GOOD about yourself because you will have achieved INNER PEACE. Knowing that you are doing what you should be doing to reach your goals will make you feel top of your game and you will be able to manage your time and achieve anything you set your mind to.
So - HOMEWORK for this week:
Start sorting your Daily Tasks into categories. Put the most important tasks on the top, and work your way down to the tasks that are not important. Important tasks are those that are in line with you achieving your goals and are in line with your governing values.
You can rate your tasks...using Letters if you wish
A- The MOST important tasks - these HAVE to get done today
B - These are important and I have to try and get to these today
C- These are not as important and can wait for another day or be delegated to someone else
Work on the "A" group first - and do this at the start of your day. EAT THE FROG! It will feel amazing to get those done as fast as possible then go on to the other not so important tasks. You will get a lot more done and at the end of the day not only will you have more productivity, more efficiency, more self-esteem but your Daily Tasks were in line with your Values and Goals ALL Day - this will provide you with Inner Peace.
Tune in next week when we talk about Law #2.
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