Law 3 When your Daily Activities reflect your Governing Values...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When your daily activities reflect your governing values, you experience inner peace

 If your daily activities are not in line with your goals and governing values, then you will feel busy, that you are busy and always doing things, but never really getting anything done.  Sound familiar?

Remember - There is NO SUCH thing as not enough time, or I'm too busy.  You have all the time you need in order to accomplish the things that TRULY matter to you the most - as long as you MAKE time for them.

In order to get the things done that mean the most to you it's important that you schedule them into your life. 
 First you'll need to organize your governing values into the order of their importance to you.  If there is ever a time conflict with activities always choose the one that has the most value to you.

Hyrum suggests asking yourself these question:

1. What is the long-range priority of this project?
2. For whom and by when must this task be completed?
3. What parts of this project could be delegated to another
4. Is this project more important than any other at the present
5. What would be the worst that would happen if I don’t
complete this project?
6. Have I allocated enough time for myself and my family in
estimating the time required to finish this project?
7. Are any of the tasks involved in completing this project in
conflict with my personal constitution?

When you are able to identify the things that matter most to you, and then you start doing the activities to achieve those goals, you will experience inner peace.

‘‘What matters most in life should never be at the mercy of less important things.’’
-- Hyrum W. Smith


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