Law #9 Your self-esteem must ultimately come from within
Monday, October 17, 2011
It's taken me what - almost a year to discuss the 10 natural laws of successful time and life management? Well, I'm not a consistent blogger I tell ya that! LOL I hope this helps at least one person out there though.
"Your self-esteem must ultimately come from within." Common sense right? No one can GIVE you self-esteem. No THING can provide this for you either. It must come from you. You are responsible for your own belief system - and only you can change it.
Maybe you don't like your job, or you aren't making enough money to pay the bills - do you ever find yourself saying that it's the economy? Do you let family members, or friends, tell you what you should believe? Have you ever had a dream or goal and had a family member or friend say - "Amanda that's crazy, you should do something more normal. You should stick to your original safer plan." Well, your name may not be Amanda, but I bet you any money the people you surround yourself with LOVE to give you their opinion (ultimately they are telling you what your belief window is).
Whatever your personal beliefs are - that will reflect your personal self-esteem. So if you believe that you'll never be able to have a job you love. Or if you believe you are too old to go back to school. Then this will reflect into your self-esteem on reaching goals associated with those beliefs.
Like Hyrum says, Gain control of YOUR OWN LIFE. Respond to beliefs YOU HAVE, not others. Make your goals and stay on the path to reach them - NO MATTER WHAT anyone else says or thinks about it.
1. What do you really want? DEEP down inside.
2. What has worked for you in the past? When you experienced success - what were you doing? Can you do it again?
"Self-esteem can be learned, taught, developed, and, best of all, spread around like crazy." - from the Oprah Winfrey website
"Self-esteem or self-efficacy has to do with a realistic assessment of your strengths and weaknesses,"- Daniel Goleman
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