Law #10 Give More and You will Have More

Friday, December 2, 2011

The more your share your talent, skills, time, money with other people - the more inner peace you will feel :)

You have the ability to create wealth and financial stability for yourself

You have the OBLIGATION to share the surplus you have with others. 

Hyrum points out that this doesn't only apply to MONEY.  This also applies to your TIME, your Skills and Talents! 

~~ The more you share - the more you will receive ~~

The world's most powerful, influential and successful people have been good TEACHERS.  Hyrum says "the best leaders motivate their
followers to grow and perform at higher and higher levels"

Are you a leader or a follower?


Law #9 Your self-esteem must ultimately come from within

Monday, October 17, 2011

It's taken me what - almost a year to discuss the 10 natural laws of successful time and life management? Well, I'm not a consistent blogger I tell ya that! LOL  I hope this helps at least one person out there though.

"Your self-esteem must ultimately come from within."  Common sense right?  No one can GIVE you self-esteem.  No THING can provide this for you either.  It must come from you.  You are responsible for your own belief system - and only you can change it.

Maybe you don't like your job, or you aren't making enough money to pay the bills - do you ever find yourself saying that it's the economy?  Do you let family members, or friends, tell you what you should believe?  Have you ever had a dream or goal and had a family member or friend say - "Amanda that's crazy, you should do something more normal.  You should stick to your original safer plan."  Well, your name may not be Amanda, but I bet you any money the people you surround yourself with LOVE to give you their opinion (ultimately they are telling you what your belief window is). 

Whatever your personal beliefs are - that will reflect your personal self-esteem.  So if you believe that you'll never be able to have a job you love.  Or if you believe you are too old to go back to school.  Then this will reflect into your self-esteem on reaching goals associated with those beliefs.

Like Hyrum says, Gain control of YOUR OWN LIFE.  Respond to beliefs YOU HAVE, not others.  Make your goals and stay on the path to reach them - NO MATTER WHAT anyone else says or thinks about it.

1. What do you really want? DEEP down inside.

2. What has worked for you in the past?   When you experienced success - what were you doing?  Can you do it again?

"Self-esteem can be learned, taught, developed, and, best of all, spread around like crazy." - from the Oprah Winfrey website

"Self-esteem or self-efficacy has to do with a realistic assessment of your strengths and weaknesses,"- Daniel Goleman


Law #8 Negative Behaviours are overcome by Changing Incorrect Beliefs

Monday, September 19, 2011

I have been blogging about the 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management - by Hyrum Smith, for quite a few months now and I hope that at least 1 person takes out of this what I have been able to learn (and continue to learn each day).

Negative Behaviours - it's tough for us to admit to negative behaviours. Many of us somehow convince ourselves that we are behaving in a way that will lead us to reaching our goals, doing the tasks and activities that match up with our beliefs and values.  However, if you take a good long look at your actions you will probably find some negative behaviours...such as:

abusing others

And there are many more examples...Hyrum says that These types of negative behaviour are caused by "trying to meet your personal needs with incorrect beliefs".  It always comes back to your belief.

If you are trying to lose weight, but you continue to overeat...then you probably don't have the BELIEF that you can actually lose the weight.  All of the negative behaviours I listed above are addicting...once you start it's hard to stop - and you can get trapped in a cycle where you try to quit smoking, but your beliefs aren't correct, your actions aren't in line with your values, so you feel bad, so you smoke...then you feel bad that you didn't reach your goals, so you smoke.  Then you feel bad that you smoked, so you smoke.  I would say you get the point...

How do you get out of the cycle?  Or at least reset it?
You need to change your underlying belief.  This is easier said than done.  You must take a good long look at yourself and your actions and realize that your actions, your beliefs are not in line with your values.  You have to get out of the short-term benefit mindset and get into the long-term benefit mindset.  It's hard to do because our society is based upon immediate reward.

Ask yourself these questions:
What does the negative behaviour give me?
What benefits does it provide?
How does it hurt me? (and those around me)
How can I receive the same benefits through a positive behaviour?

How to change your Negative Behaviour

1.Try to refrain from doing the action or activity.  The longer you refrain, the harder it is to perform it.  This may need to be done in baby steps.  For example, if you are trying to quit smoking.  Try to go the entire day without having one - you may give in the next day.  But then if you continued to go longer and longer without having a cigarette, eventually you will go for so long without one that you don't even WANT to have one anymore.

2. Change your Environment.  If you are trying to lose weight, it may be necessary to remove ALL unhealthy food from your home.  If you are trying to quit smoking, don't hang out with smokers.

3. Surround yourself with people who already have what you want.  If you are trying to quit smoking, surround yourself with non-smokers.  If you are trying to lose weight, surround yourself with people who are healthy and fit.  If you want to get rid of your anger, surround yourself with people who don't get angry.  If you are trying to build a successful business, surround yourself with people who already have done it.

4. If it pops into your mind to do the negative behaviour - catch yourself and think of something positive or do something positive.

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time. ~ Dean Acheson

 Change brings opportunity  ~ Nido Qubein

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. ~ Reinhold Niebuhr


Law #7 You Satisfy Needs when your beliefs are in line with reality

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Are your beliefs "off the wall"?  If so, you'll never be able to satisfy Any Need based on an insane belief.  Common Sense here.  Have a look at your personal they make sense?  Can you improve them?  Personal growth will happen once you are able to improve upon existing beliefs that govern your behaviour. do you figure out what's wrong? And how to change it?  Well Hyrum says to start with having a look at your life and what is going wrong. What possible belief could you have that would give you the idea it's ok to act that way?  Are those behaviours going to get you to where you want to be? 

Once you have an idea for the behaviour you want to change, and belief you'd like to improve - now it's time to improve upon it!  What other belief would get you to where you want to be? (Remember you are not going to know the answer to this questions unless you did the previous exercises of writing down your goals and values).

Let's say your goal is to reach a particular level in your business or get a promotion, but for some reason it's just not happening.  During self-reflection you realize that your behaviour and actions are not in line with your goals (or values).  You finally figure out that it's all going back to your belief that you wanted to get the promotion because your peers, friends and family will respect you more.  So let's change that belief.  Satisfying a NEED should be someone you want to do for yourself.  So, let's make the new belief, I want to reach my next status level, or I want to get the promotion because I DESERVE IT.  Now your behaviour and actions are going to change.  And in the end, I bet you WILL reach your goal :)

Tomorrow is the start of a whole new week!  I wish you the best success this week in reaching your goals!


Law #6 Your behaviour is a reflection of what you TRULY believe

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So it's been awhile since I posted on here. I apologize for all of you who were checking everyday, waiting for the next post. I know there must be millions of you HAHAHA joking :)

This Law...Law #6 - makes sense to me and it's something I think about almost daily. 

Here's the Main Idea: 
"There is a clear connection between what a person believes and
what they do. Whenever a person’s behavior doesn’t seem to be
reflecting what they claim to believe, there are some conflicting
beliefs buried in there somewhere."

This makes obvious sense right? Obviously you would be doing what you believe in doing.  And yet - many of us SAY we want to be debt free, or we SAY we want to reach a high status level in our home business, or we SAY we are going to make more time for friends and family, or we SAY we are going to lose weight.  And yet.....somehow....for many of just doesn't happen.

We are quick to blame other things, time, money...even blame other people for not reaching those goals.  But it all comes back to US.  Did you REALLY make the time to do the activities you SAID you wanted to do?  Did you actually BELIEVE you could do it?

To change a behaviour, or change the result, the outcome - then we need to change what you BELIEVE.

‘‘Sometimes our "beliefs" may actually be things we only think
we believe because of duty or the expectations of others. The
important thing to remember is that, in general, our behavior
does in fact reflect what we really believe, and if our behavior
doesn’t seem to be reflecting a consciously stated belief, we
should take a careful look at conflicting beliefs on our window.’’
-- Hyrum W. Smith

Let's revisit the idea of the Reality Model that Hyrum talks about.

1. What are the most widely accepted basic psychological needs?
the Need to LIVE
the need to LOVE AND BE LOVED
the need to FEEL IMPORTANT
the need to experience VARIETY

2. How we go about meeting these needs comes from our own beliefs

3. For every belief you have, you also have a set of rules which govern your behaviour - this is done subconsciously.

4. If the results from your behaviour meets your needs then your feedback is positive.
If you have negative feedback (did not reach the results you expected) then you need to re-asses your needs, your belief that you are using to satisfy those needs, AND your behaviour.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results."

If you are not getting the results you want then work backwards to find what's wrong.
What behaviours or actions did you take in order to reach the result?
Are those actions in line with what you BELIEVE?
Is that belief going to help you create a set of rules to achieve your NEED?


Law 5 Daily planning leverages time through increased focus.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Main Idea
If you will just take 10- to 15-minutes every day to plan your day,
everyone you know will be amazed at how much you are able to
achieve with your life.

Supporting Ideas
Common excuses for failing to plan time include:
1. I don’t have time to plan.
2. I already know what I need to do.
3. Planning doesn’t work. I have too many interruptions.
4. I feel tied down with long "To Do" lists.
5. I don’t know how to plan effectively.

In reality, there is not one person on earth who cannot find
15-minutes a day to sit down and plan out their next day.
To do
1. Find a place where you can be uninterrupted.
2. Review your long-range objectives.
3. Be realistic in the amount of free time you’ll have available.
4. Set specific daily goals for tasks.
5. Tray and anticipate any obstacles that will come up.
6. Prioritize your daily tasks.

That’s all you need to do to plan your day and increase your total
effectiveness by a large and measurable degree. You can later
add refinements such as using planning diaries or whatever suits
your personal style, but the essence of the daily planning session
is summed up above.

Your daily planning should also include time for reflecting on two questions:
1. What are your highest priorities in life?
2. Of those priorities, what do you value the most?

You can further refine and improve your daily planning session
by creating a meaningful prioritized daily task list by:

1. Making a list of everything you would like to accomplish that
day, including tasks that are not urgent.
2. Assign a value to each item on the list, with an "A" for
something vital, a "B" for something important and a "C" for
something relatively trivial.
3. Give a numerical value to each item on your A-list. Then do
the same for your B-list and your C-list.

You now have a prioritized list that specifies which tasks are
worth finishing first. You can the focus on your A-1 until that’s
achieved, and then move on to your A-2 and so on.

You can further refine your planning system by using integrated
planning tools which include space for all categories, by adding
financial record storage and so on. However, these
embellishments are simply enhancers, and the greatest single
gain in productivity will come from starting to plan your day each
day regardless of the exact accessories used.

- Hyrum Smith The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management

Key Thoughts
‘‘The more time we spend on planning a project, the less total
time is required for it. Don’t let today’s busy work crowd planning
time out of your schedule.’’
-- Edwin Bliss


Law 4 To reach any Significant Goal you must leave your Comfort Zone

Monday, April 25, 2011

The main idea here is this...The gap between your governing values and your daily activities are measurable "goals".

"Achieving any goal means leaving the familiar and venturing into a new area. Many people don’t like to leave their present comfort zones, and therefore never set goals. By failing to set goals, they also fail to ever make any meaningful progress."

2 kinds of goals

Long-range goals describe what you want to accomplish.

Intermediate goals and daily tasks break it down into how to
actually do it.

Effective goals are:
Specific - stating exactly what is to be accomplished.
Measurable - with dates and ways to show progress.
Action-Oriented - specifying things to be done.
Realistic - within reach if you stretch and work hard.
Timely -achievable within a reasonable period of time.

Most people find it helpful to set goals in each of the following

- Physical well-being
- Family/Spouse
- Spiritual/Humanitarian
- Financial
- Company/Career
- Company/Strategic
- Community/Political
- Education/Personal Development

Get out a Piece of Paper and pen and WRITE DOWN your goals!

3 common obstacles to leaving your comfort zone:
1. Peer pressure.
"You may be afraid of what your friends, family or work associates will think, and therefore you try and live in harmony with their values rather than following your inner urges."

2. Walls.
"Sometimes you may feel walled in by past mistakes or circumstances. You may feel that circumstances beyond your control make it impossible to set out in a new direction. Remember: It really doesn’t matter what other people think."

3. Fear of Change.
"Some people would much rather live with a familiar problem than try to change and risk coming into contact with a new and unfamiliar problem. In the final analysis, these fears should never stand in the way
of setting goals which will enable you to follow your dreams. In most situations, present failure is not the end of the world, and you have the opportunity to come back again next time smarter and better prepared to succeed."

Nothing can stop a determined soul.

So what is stopping you from reaching your goals??

Key Thoughts
‘‘There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.’’ 
-- Ella Wheeler Wilcox


Law 3 When your Daily Activities reflect your Governing Values...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When your daily activities reflect your governing values, you experience inner peace

 If your daily activities are not in line with your goals and governing values, then you will feel busy, that you are busy and always doing things, but never really getting anything done.  Sound familiar?

Remember - There is NO SUCH thing as not enough time, or I'm too busy.  You have all the time you need in order to accomplish the things that TRULY matter to you the most - as long as you MAKE time for them.

In order to get the things done that mean the most to you it's important that you schedule them into your life. 
 First you'll need to organize your governing values into the order of their importance to you.  If there is ever a time conflict with activities always choose the one that has the most value to you.

Hyrum suggests asking yourself these question:

1. What is the long-range priority of this project?
2. For whom and by when must this task be completed?
3. What parts of this project could be delegated to another
4. Is this project more important than any other at the present
5. What would be the worst that would happen if I don’t
complete this project?
6. Have I allocated enough time for myself and my family in
estimating the time required to finish this project?
7. Are any of the tasks involved in completing this project in
conflict with my personal constitution?

When you are able to identify the things that matter most to you, and then you start doing the activities to achieve those goals, you will experience inner peace.

‘‘What matters most in life should never be at the mercy of less important things.’’
-- Hyrum W. Smith


Law #2 Your Governing Values are the foundation of personal fulfillment

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In order to discover your governing values, answer the following 2 questions:

1. What are my highest priorities in life?

2. Of these priorities, what do I value the most?

Another way to identify your personal values is to make a list of your governing values and then prioritize them.

Popular Governing Values:
1. Spouse
2. Financial Security
3. Personal Health & Fitness
4. Religion/Spirituality
5. Children and Family
6. Sense of Accomplishment
7. Integrity and Honesty
8. Occupational Satisfaction
9. Helping Others
10. Education and Learning
11. Self-Respect
12. Being Responsible
13. Leadership
14. Inner Peace
15. Independence
16. Intelligence
17. Understanding
18. Quality of Life
19. Happiness
20. Pleasure
21. Self-Control
22. Ambition
23. Capability
24. Imagination/Creativity
25. Forgiveness
26. Generosity
27. Equality
28. Friendship
29. Beauty
30. Courage

The foundation of Time Management are your Governing Values - so taking the time to be open and honest with yourself to figure out what your most important governing values are IS THE KEY to being able to manage your time, achieve your goals, get results, and acquire inner peace.


Law 1 You control your life by controlling your time

Monday, March 7, 2011

Grab a pencil or pen and a blank piece of paper.  We're going to do a little activity together. By the time we are done you will know what your governing values are, what some of your long-range goals are, and help you to balance your time so you can manage all the daily tasks you have to do each day/week.

First - Draw a Pyramid
Draw lines within the pyramid so you have 4 sections
The Bottom section is for Governing Values
The next one up is for your Long-Range Goals
The second from the highest is for Intermediate Goals
Finally, the top section is for your Daily Tasks

In a couple of weeks we will be discussing Governing Values and how they can affect your inner peace and productivity.

Next - ask yourself these 2 questions:
1. What are my highest priorities in life?
2. Of these priorities, what do I value the most?

If you are spending time on Daily Tasks which have nothing, or very little, to do with your Goals and/or Values then you are not achieving balance or success in your life or career.  The key is to make sure you are spending time, managing your time to make sure you have time, to do the things that matter the most to YOU - your Governing Values.

So - for example.  If you are trying to lose weight that would be considered a Governing Value.  In order to lose weight you have to eat healthy food, cut down on fat and exercise more.  If your Daily Tasks are sitting on the couch and eating take-out, then obviously your Daily Tasks are not in line with your Governing Values.  This will make you feel bad about yourself, you won't accomplish anything, which will then give you bad self image and productivity is 0. 

On the other hand - if your Daily Tasks were eating lots of fruits and veggies, cutting down on take-out and exercising everyday, then your Daily Tasks will be in balance with your Governing Values - you will feel GOOD about yourself because you will have achieved INNER PEACE.  Knowing that you are doing what you should be doing to reach your goals will make you feel top of your game and you will be able to manage your time and achieve anything you set your mind to.

So - HOMEWORK for this week:
Start sorting your Daily Tasks into categories.  Put the most important tasks on the top, and work your way down to the tasks that are not important.  Important tasks are those that are in line with you achieving your goals and are in line with your governing values.

You can rate your tasks...using Letters if you wish

A- The MOST important tasks - these HAVE to get done today
B - These are important and I have to try and get to these today
C- These are not as important and can wait for another day or be delegated to someone else

Work on the "A" group first - and do this at the start of your day.  EAT THE FROG!  It will feel amazing to get those done as fast as possible then go on to the other not so important tasks.  You will get a lot more done and at the end of the day not only will you have more productivity, more efficiency, more self-esteem but your Daily Tasks were in line with your Values and Goals ALL Day - this will provide you with Inner Peace.

Tune in next week when we talk about Law #2.


Hyrum Smith The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management

Friday, February 18, 2011

Last year I was lucky enough to watch a video training by Hyram Smith - Cofounder and Chairman of the Board of FranklinCovey.  He spoke at the convention for the company I work with. I didn't get to go to the actual convention but I did get to see his coaching on video.  He wrote the book called 

10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management 


Law 1 You control your life by controlling your time


Law 2 Your governing values are the foundation of personal fulfillment


Law 3 When your daily activities reflect your governing values, you experience inner peace


Law 4  To reach any significant goal, you must leave your comfort zone


Law 5  Daily planning leverages time through increased focus


Law 6  Your behaviour is a reflection of what you truly believe


Law 7  You satisfy needs when your beliefs are in line with reality


Law 8  Negative behaviours are overcome by changing incorrect beliefs


Law 9 Your self-esteem must ultimately come from within


Law 10 Give more and you'll have more

Over the next 10 weeks I will discuss each law and how you can apply it to your persona life and/or your business/career.


Don't miss this awesome training!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I don't know if you have heard yet, but MASTER NETWORK MARKETER
Todd Falcone is hosting two exclusive trainings this month...and he is 
doing both of them for Free! 

If you haven't heard Todd train...he is absolutely OFF THE CHARTS 
when it comes to teaching success strategies in network marketing. 

He is, and absolutely HILARIOUS when he teaches.  
You've GOT to mark your calendars and get into these two 
INVITE ONLY calls he is doing this month.  

Both of these calls he is doing for the public at NO charge, but
you must reserve your seat to be on them.  

Wednesday February 16th at 6pm PST
"How to Dominate in the Game of Prospecting"

To reserve your spot on this call, go here:

How to Dominate in the Game

Thursday February 24th at 6pm PST
"How to Recruit Only Quality People into your Business"

To reserve your spot on this call, go here:
How to Recruit Quality People 

I'm telling everybody I know in network marketing about both of these
awesome learning should too!

See you on the calls!!

Amanda Drover


Don't say the wrong thing

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pretty much everyone worries about saying the wrong thing to someone - not just entrepreneurs, but everyone!

I heard this the other day and it really made sense to me.
"You can't say the RIGHT thing to the WRONG person - and you can't say the WRONG thing to the RIGHT person."

So stop worrying so much about WHAT you are saying, instead think about WHO you are saying it to :)



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