Setting Appointments

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It takes guts to call someone on the telephone to invite them to learn more about your business, services or products, etc...BUT, They aren’t going to call you, so that leaves it up to you to call them.

You can be nervous about inviting potential customers or, you can think of this as “the fun activity.”

Remember that “no” often means “not yet” or “not now.” When one person turns you down, don’t let that discourage you from contacting others.

If you have a presentation or slideshow, or the purpose of the call is simply to invite them to a get together to learn more then:

There are 4 simple steps to making the Appointment:
1. Creating Urgency
2. Compliment
3. Approach
4. Confirm

1. Create Urgency
You want your call to last only 1–2 minutes maximum. Any longer and you may get drawn into making the presentation on the phone.

How do you create urgency?
By simply letting them know you don’t have much time, but you would love to show them more.

2. Sincerely Compliment
The second part of setting appointments is to compliment the person. It tells her why you’ve chosen to talk to her. It helps her feel good about herself and leaves her more open to what you have to say. When someone notices something special about you, doesn’t it make you more receptive to them?

Example: I wanted to call you because you are really smart and you'd be a great business partner.

Or, I wanted to call you because you have young kids and I know you're really concerned about their health.

Or, I wanted to call you because you are really driven and motivated and I think we would have a great time working together.

3. Approach
At this point you can insert whatever approach works best for you and the person with whom you’re speaking. There are many approaches you can use. Use the ones that work best for you.

Remember, the objective is to get the appointment, and nothing more.

You look like you're into health and wellness....

Are you looking for safer products for you and your family?

ASK for the appointment:
Hey why don't we get together for a coffee and I can show you what we do?

I don't know if this would be a fit for you, but I would be glad to show you what I've been up to.

You seem like someone I would like to work with. I value your experience. I'd love to show you what I do and get your opinion.

Hey Michelle, I need your help. You may know that Ben and I have a wellness business. We are looking for 5 people that we can help to pay all of their bills with supplemental income. I'd love 45 minutes to show you what we do. It might be for you, if not I'm sure you have someone in mind we can help

I found an awesome way of shopping. I thought of you because _______________. I'd love to show you more about it.

I am looking for a business partner in the area to help expand my business. Do you know anyone who is looking to add to their existing income or even replace it?

I want to talk to you about a great business idea. It makes sense. There is no risk, and it is not MLM. I need 45 minutes to show you more.

Has anyone ever talked to you about _____________? It's a business you can start for ______ No selling products, no inventory, no risk and we can make some really good money together.

Hi, my name is Amanda Drover and (your name was passed to me, or I found your business card) I am looking to expand my team in your area. I see you do Avon so obviously you are an entrepeneur. I would love to show you what I do and see what you think.

4. Confirm
The last part of the conversation is to confirm the appointment. Give the person two or more options. “I’m free for lunch tomorrow, or we could get together Thursday or Friday morning for coffee. Which works best for you?” Once you have the appointment, thank the person, tell him or her you’re looking forward to it, and confirm the date and time once again.

" Hi, is Sarah home please?"

"This is Sarah"

"Hi Sarah this is Amanda Drover I was calling with the info you requested about Motivated Moms."

"Oh hi Amanda thanks for calling!"

"Sure thing! I was looking forward to talking with you because you seem like a positive person and I'd love to have you on our team! I only have a minute right now, but I was wondering when you would have about 30-45 minutes so I could give you more info and answer your questions. Is morning or evening better for you?"

"Actually evening is great for me"

"Ok great how about this evening around 8pm is that good for you?

"Yup that's perfect"

Awesome. So I am crossing that time off for you and I will call you tonight at 8pm so I can give you all the info you need. Do you have a pen & paper handy? (wait)

"yup I have one here"

I'll give you my phone number, it's ____________. Can you give me a call if something comes up or you need to reschedule?

"sure yeah no problem"

"great thanks so much Sarah! I look forward to chatting with you this evening, have a great day!"

"thanks you too Amanda"

"Thanks! Bye!"

If someone says "well can't you just explain now in like 2 minutes?"

well I only had a minute here right now I have an appointment coming up to call someone else, but I can call you this evening though and show you all the info you need and answer your questions (then just move on to book a time)


No, it's better for you to be able to see the presentation in full. that way you're getting the same info everyone else had and you'll have all the info you need to decide if you'd like to join our team.

Voice mail message when calling leads:
Hi, this message is for XXX, this is Amanda from the Motivated Moms team. I am calling because of your request for details on our team and company. Sorry I am missing you. I would love to share with you all the details and answer any questions you may have as well. You can reach me back at (999)999-9999. I will also send you a quick email. Have a fantastic day!

Hello Penny,

I hope that this finds you well, I am sorry you were not available for our appointment today. I am sure something important came up and I hope it was nothing serious.

I would love to set a new time to share all the details with you so we can see if there's a way we can help you.

Call me at (phone number) or simply reply to this email so we can set up that new time together to get you the details you need.

Make it a great day!

Hello Melissa,

I hope this finds you well. I am very excited to get back together with you about our Team and Company.

I wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that I am here for you and would love to set a new time to follow up, answer your questions and help you get started.

Call me at ~~ownersphone~~ or simply reply to this email so we can set up that new time together to review the additional information that I sent you.

I hope that helps!!! Please feel free to post any tips you have for Setting Appointments.

Make it a great day!


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